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New Zealand

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Caping Knife - My First Hidden Tang

So when making a few other knives, I had a bit of steel left.  I decided to use it to make my first hidden tang knife.  With a short broad extremely sharp blade it makes a great caping knife.  The definition of a caping knife is:  "specifically used for caping game animals. The knife is used to prepare the animal hide by preserving the neck or the shoulder mount. A caping knife is relatively small and has fine blades."

It is made of O1 toolsteel.  It is the small blade at the bottom of this photo.

After Heat Treatment

Originally it was going to have a Scandinavian Grind, but I had issues with etching my makers mark onto the blade.  I ground everything back and the blade ended up a flat grind.

The handle is a combination of Walnut, Copper, Ebony, Copper and Walnut, but if you look at the at the handle, you will notice that I ended up grinding the handle a little too deep, and exposed the tang....  Oh well, this is how we learn...

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